Uncover the Truth …….

"Get answers to questions you never thought to ask"

Talk 650 KSTE

There are a lot of situations in life that we hope never happens and as an entrepreneur having an employee or someone file a wrongful claim falls on that list. The last thing we want to do as employers and leaders is think that our employees or customers would take advantage of us. But, just because we don't ever want to be in this situation doesn't mean it won't ever happen and we shouldn't have a plan in place.

Chris Champlin and Ashton Wolfson, co-founders of the C & W Group, have your back for these unfortunate situations. They will help you investigate claims that you believe are fraudulent. They could potentially save you a lot of money and get your employees back to work faster!


Employers using private investigators to prove employees did not get COVID-19 at work.

Online Chats

From the Macro~Pro studio its "Online Chats" with litigation and claims experts.

WorkComp Central


“We make a living by what we get…. We make a life by what we give.” ~ Sir Winston Churchill

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